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DDR Extreme (8th Mix)

The scoring system for regular play is identical to DDR MAX 2.

A single step's points are calculated as follows:

    Let: p = score multiplier (Perfect = 10, Great = 5, other = 0)
      N = total number of steps and freeze steps (double steps count as 1 step and double freezes count as one OK, just like MAX2)
      n = number of the current step or freeze step (varies from 1 to N)
      B = Base value of the song (1,000,000 X the number of feet difficulty) - All edit data is rated as 5 feet
So, the score for one step is:
    one_step_score = p * int(B/S) * n
    Note: If your life bar becomes depleted, but you continue to play (due to Versus mode or Autofail off), P is changed to 1.

    Where S = The sum of all integers from 1 to N (the total number of steps/freeze steps)

*Remember* : Double steps (U+L, D+R, etc.) count as two steps instead of one *for your combo count only*, so if you get a double L+R on the 112th step of a song, you score is calculated for only one step, not two, as the combo counter might otherwise imply.

Now, through simple algebraic manipulation

    S = 1+...+N = (1+N)*N/2 (1 through N added together)

A note on "step precedence":

    The variable 'n' is incremented as step-judges are determined; that is, when Perfects, Greats, Goods, Boos, Misses, NG's, and OK's are awarded. If you have two notes coming up in a song, A and B, and B is obviously later than A, you can miss A, but get a perfect for B *first* and get scored as if it came first. The same holds true for freezes. If you have a step that occurs exactly when a freeze ends, like in Breakdown! Heavy, whichever is awarded first, the OK or the step, is scored first, after which 'n' is incremented to be used for the next step.

Okay, time for an example:

So, for example, suppose we wanted to calculate the step score of a "Great" on the 57th step of a 441 step, 8-foot difficulty song (I'm just making this one up):

    S = (1 + 441)*441 / 2
      = 194,222 / 2
      = 97,461
    StepScore = p * int(B/S) * n
      = 5 * int(8,000,000 / 97,461) * 57
      = 5 * 82 * 57 (The 82 is rounded down from 82.08411...)
      = 23,370

Remember this is just the score for the step, not the cumulative score up to the 57th step.

Also, there is a "bonus" for the final step of a song, that evens out the score to a multiple of 10,000,000 if you get all Perfects. This bonus is calculated as follows:

    Q = 10 * (B - int(B/S) * N) *Note: Only awarded when 'n' is equal to 'N'. If this occurs on a step, the step must be Perfect in order to receive the bonus. If it is a freeze, the freeze must be OK. If the step is a Great, only half is awarded.

Note: if you got all Perfect on this song, you would get (p=10)*B, which is 80,000,000. In fact, the maximum possible score for any song is the number of feet difficulty X 10,000,000.

Also, in the song selection screen, the graph used in MAX still exists, but is still cosmetic.

Finally, your rank:

Each song has a certain number of "Dance Points" assigned to it. For regular arrows, this is 2 per arrow. For freeze arrows, it is 6 per arrow. When you add this all up, you get the maximum number of possible "Dance Points".

Your "Dance Points" are calculated as follows:

    A "Perfect" is worth 2 points
    A "Great" is worth 1 points
    A "Good" is worth 0 points
    A "Boo" will subtract 4 points
    A "Miss" will subtract 8 points
    An "OK" (Successful Freeze step) will add 6 points
    A "NG" (Unsuccessful Freeze step) is worth 0 points
Based on the percentage of your total "Dance Points" to the maximum possible number, the following rank is assigned:

    100% - AAA
    93 % - AA
    80 % - A
    65 % - B
    45 % - C
    Less - D
    Fail - E
Note on ONI Mode scoring

While in ONI mode, in addition to your score, a separate score indicator gradually increases as you play. This is the number of "Dance Points" you currently have, which is calculated *slightly* different from non-oni mode play.

The total number of Dance Points is calculated with Marvelous steps being worth 3 points, Perfects getting 2 points, OKs getting 3 points, Greats getting 1 point, and everything else is worth 0 points. (Note: The "Marvelous" step rating is a new rating to DDR Extreme only used in Oni and Nonstop modes. They are rated higher than "Perfect" steps).

Note: Your combo counter only increased with a "Marvelous/Perfect", and double Marvelous/Perfect steps (left and right, etc.) only add 1 to your combo instead of 2. The combo counter thus becomes a "Marvelous/Perfect" counter.

Note on NONSTOP Mode scoring

Nonstop mode requires the player to play 4 songs in succession, with the total maximum possible score for the four song set being 100,000,000. This comes from the sum of the four stages' maximum possible scores, which, regardless of song or difficulty is:

10,000,000 for the first song
20,000,000 for the second song
30,000,000 for the third song
40,000,000 for the fourth song

However, there is a twist to the scoring system. The grade of "Marvelous" (rated higher than Perfect) is introduced, and is scored higher than a "Perfect" step. Hence, your score in Nonstop mode is calculated slightly different.

A single step's points are calculated as follows:

    Let p = score multiplier (Marvelous = 10, Perfect = 9, Great = 5, other = 0)
      N = total number of steps and freeze steps (double steps count as 1 step, just like MAX 1)
      n = number of the current step or freeze step (varies from 1 to N)
      B = Base value of the song (1,000,000 X stage number [one of 1,2,3,4])
So, the score for one step is:
    one_step_score = p * int(B/S) * n
    Note: If your life bar becomes depleted, but you continue to play (due to Versus mode or Autofail off), P is changed to 1.

    Where S = The sum of all integers from 1 to N (the total number of steps/freeze steps)

*Remember* : Double steps (U+L, D+R, etc.) count as two steps instead of one *for your combo count only*, so if you get a double L+R on the 112th step of a song, you score is calculated for only one step, not two, as the combo counter might otherwise imply.

Now, through simple algebraic manipulation

    S = 1+...+N = (1+N)*N/2 (1 through N added together)

Okay, time for an example:

So, for example, suppose we wanted to calculate the step score of a "Perfect" on the 80th step of a 450 step song, which is the 2nd song in the nonstop course (I'm just making this one up):

    S = (1 + 450)*450 / 2
      = 202,950 / 2
      = 101,475
    StepScore = p * (B/S) * n
      = 9 * int(2,000,000 / 101,475) * 80
      = 9 * 19 * 80 (The places after the decimal point in 19.709288... are chopped)
      = 13,680

Note: The remaining points left over due to discarding the values after the decimal point for each step are accumulated and added to the last step of the song as follows:

    Q = 10 * (B - int(B/S) * N)
    *Note: Only awarded when 'n' is equal to 'N'. If this occurs on a step, the step must be Marvelous/Perfect in order to receive the bonus. If it is a freeze, the freeze must be OK.

    Special case: If the final 'n' on a song is a step, can you score a perfect on it, you only receive 9/10 of the bonus Q. If you get a Marvelous or OK, you get 10/10. A Great receives 5/10 of the score.

Note: if you got all Marvelous on this song, you would get (p=10)*B, which is 20,000,000 in this example. All Perfect would receive only 18,000,000.

Finally, your rank:

Each song has a certain number of "Dance Points" assigned to it. For regular arrows, this is 2 per arrow. For freeze arrows, it is 6 per arrow. When you add this all up, you get the maximum number of possible "Dance Points".

Your "Dance Points" are calculated as follows:

    A "Marvelous" is worth 2 points
    A "Perfect" is also worth 2 points
    A "Great" is worth 1 points
    A "Good" is worth 0 points
    A "Boo" will subtract 4 points
    A "Miss" will subtract 8 points
    An "OK" (Successful Freeze step) will add 6 points
    A "NG" (Unsuccessful Freeze step) is worth 0 points
Based on the percentage of your total "Dance Points" to the maximum possible number, the following rank is assigned to EACH INDIVIDUAL SONG.

    100% - AAA
    93 % - AA
    80 % - A
    65 % - B
    45 % - C
    Less - D
    Fail - E
After each song is graded, the songs' dance level values are added up and averaged, rounded down.
    AAA = 6 points
    AA = 5 points
    A = 4 points
    B = 3 points
    C = 2 points
    D = 1 points
This is why you can AA three songs, only muster an A on the fourth, and receive only an 'A' for the final result even though your results dictate that you broke 93%.
    Song 1 = AA = 5 points
    Song 2 = AA = 5 points
    Song 3 = AA = 5 points
    Song 4 = A = 4 points = 19 points total
    Result = int(19/4) = int(4.75) = 4 = A

Point of Interest: This method of averaging dance levels have been in use since 3rd mix or earlier.

Note on DDR Extreme Home Version and Party Collection Endless Mode Scoring

The score you get for your combo depends on the difficulty you're playing. For example, you get more points per step playing on Light than on Heavy, but fewer steps. Contrary to MAX2, certain mods affect the way you are scored. Your single-step score is (almost) always determined by a generic formula X*C, where X is a pre-determined number, and C is your combo. Marvelous, Perfect, and Great multipliers themselves don't change, but mods add or decrease those three numbers by a fixed amount. For example, if I played any song on Heavy, I would receive 401 points times my combo for each Marvelous I got, 301*C for each Perfect, and 101*C for each Great. If I put on the mod "Little", then I will only receive 351, 251, or 51 times my combo. See how the -50 affected all three values equally? If you use more than one mod, the values are simply added up. If you play on Heavy, Little, and Dark, then your base Marvelous score is (401 - 50 + 10), or 361 points. Hopefully that isn't too confusing.

Let C = combo after stepping (Jumps are +2, steps +1)

      Beginner: Score = Score + 401 * C
      Light: Score = Score + 481 * C
      Standard: Score = Score + 441 * C
      Heavy: Score = Score + 401 * C
      Challenge: Score = Score + 521 * C

      Beginner: Score = Score + 301 * C
      Light: Score = Score + 361 * C
      Standard: Score = Score + 331 * C
      Heavy: Score = Score + 301 * C
      Challenge: Score = Score + 391 * C

      Beginner: Score = Score + 101 * C
      Light: Score = Score + 121 * C
      Standard: Score = Score + 111 * C
      Heavy: Score = Score + 101 * C
      Challenge: Score = Score + 131 * C

For mods, you are only allowed one from each "class". The ones labelled in green are default mods. RANDOM does not affect scoring at all; only the mods it picks from its class.
Class Name Beg. Lgt. Std. Hvy. Chl.
Speed x1 0 0 0 0 0
x1.5 +5 +6 +5.5 +5 +6.5
x2* +7 +8* +7.5* +7 +9*
x3 0 0 0 0 0
x5 +20 +26 +23 +20 +29
x8 +30 +36 +33 +30 +39
Boost Off 0 0 0 0 0
Normal +10 +12 +11 +10 +13
Reverse +10 +12 +11 +10 +13
Appear Visible 0 0 0 0 0
Hidden 0 0 0 0 0
Sudden 0 0 0 0 0
Stealth +30 +36 +33 +30 +39
Turn Off 0 0 0 0 0
Mirror 0 0 0 0 0
Left 0 0 0 0 0
Right 0 0 0 0 0
Shuffle 0 0 0 0 0
Other Off 0 0 0 0 0
Little -50 -60 -55 -60 -65
Flat 0 0 0 0 0
Solo 0 0 0 0 0
Dark +10 +12 +11 +10 +13
Scroll Normal 0 0 0 0 0
Reverse 0 0 0 0 0
Freeze On 0 0 0 0 0
Off 0 0 0 0 0

Special case: If you are playing on Challenge, then you receive a separate "combo bonus" of int(C/4) for each step. It only applies to Challenge steps, and applies to any step that increases a combo.

*(x2 speed): Numbers noted with an asterisk (*) have a combo bonus the same as what is described above. Heavy/Beginner difficulties do not have this combo bonus.

Good, Boo, Miss = 0 points OK Freeze Arrow = Marvelous with respect to your CURRENT combo. (In the case that a freeze arrow ends at the same time another step occurs, whichever is judged first is scored first.)

This means that if you are holding a freeze, and you miss an arrow before you get the OK, your combo is broken and by the time you get the OK you will receive zero points (zero combo * Marvelous). If you have steps between a freeze beginning and end, those steps will count towards your combo, giving you a higher score for the OK when it is awarded.

DDR Extreme Home Version/Party Collection Endless Mode scoring system derived by Taren N.